Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodship took the Honorary Patronage over the 7th International Conference Reverse Logistics – Packaging

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Eko Cykl Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań S.A. proudly announces that Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodship took the Honorary Patronage over the 7th International Conference Reverse Logistics – Packaging, which is going to take place on 12-13th of June 2018 in Wroclaw.

Patronat Honorowy Marszałka Województwa Dolnośląskiego Cezarego Przybylskiego

“Poland as the Zero Waste country” is the leading topic of this year’s Conference. Waste is a problem not only for the environment but also brings a lot of economic losses. The aim of the Conference is to provide answer to questions: is the Zero Waste concept a solution to increasing amount of waste, is it a better way for environmental protection that the recycling or is it too complicated to be used in daily life and because of it less effective? It is undoubtedly a very controversial issue. The Conference brings an opportunity to exchange opinions on this topic.

Translated by Anna Koike
