
Jesteś tutaj:Strona główna/Services
Services 2018-07-04T15:28:07+02:00

We provide the following services

Taking over duty of waste packaging recovery and recycling and duty of ecological education

Eko Cykl Organizacja Odzysku Opakowań Inc. fulfills duty of packaging waste recovery and recycling in the name of almost 4 thousands enterprises, placing on domestic market products in packaging.

It is possible only due to effective cooperation with waste owners, engaged in selective waste collection and packaging waste recovery and recycling.

Thanks to long term of experience and expert knowledge we are able to provide the highest quality of service. We guarantee our Clients safety and diligence in fulfilling taken over duty.

Together we create Polish system of packaging waste recycling, reducing waste amount, deposited in landfills.

Reports regarding packaging and packaging waste

We prepare annual reports regarding products in packaging, packaging and packaging waste management as well as OPAK and OŚ-OP1 reports for previous years. Thanks to user-friendly web portal we give an opportunity to subcontract reports regarding packaging: OPAK-1, OPAK-2, OPAK-3 and report OŚ0Op1 for 2011-2014. These reports are required from companies placing on Polish market products in packaging, packaging producers, companies importing packaging and companies exporting products in packaging.


We offer our Clients cooperation in the field of recycling of generated packaging waste. It enables to reduce financial commitments resulting from contract on taking over duty of packaging recovery and recycling.

Product fee – workshops

During workshop we provide information and practical tips in the field of duty fulfillment, based on law regarding packaging and waste packaging management.

Our knowledge is based on up-to-date interpretations of Ministry of Environment and marshal offices and additionally expanded on practical experience in contact with enterprises.

Public educational campaigns

Our offer includes also conducting public ecological campaigns and taking over statutory duty of ecological education:

  • workshops for company’s employees
  • outer educational events, contests encouraging to waste segregation e.g. in kindergartens, schools, festivals and fairs
  • common ecological workshops
  • common announcements during festivals, fairs, exhibitions and shows
  • equipping schools, kindergartens, company’s children’s corners with educational materials
  • common preparing files, posters, videos and other educational materials
  • substantive support of ecological corner on contractor’s websites

International Conferences “Reverse Logistics – Packaging/Waste

Conference “Reverse Logistics”

We organize International Conferences „Reverse Logistics – Packaging/Waste”, regarding packaging waste recovery and recycling in supply chain. The conferences’ aim is to present real benefits from being engaged in those processes and reducing waste negative influence on the environment.

8th International Conference Reverse Logistics - Packaging 2024
4th International Conference Reverse Logistics - Waste 2020

Translated by Anna Koike