National Forum of Urban Cleaning Plant’s Directors took the Patronage over the 7th International Conference Reverse Logistics – Packaging

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Patroni Krajowe Forum Zakładów Oczyszczania MiastNational Forum of Urban Cleaning Plant’s Directors (KFDZOM) has joined the group of Patronage of the 7th International Conference Reverse Logistics – Packaging.

National Forum of Urban Cleaning Plant’s Directors is a nation-wide association of CEOs of urban cleaning and waste management companies, companies producing municipal equipment and devices and companies contributing to municipal economy. The association was established in September 1992 in Zielona Gora.

Members and co-founders of the association were directors of 38 cleaning plant of those days’ voivodship’s cities. Currently the association unites 162 regular members (directors, vice-directors) and 105 supporting members – most of the biggest and most influential urban cleaning plants and waste management companies, covering 75% of Polish market with their services.

Supporting members of the Forum are companies with various forms of ownership: national enterprises, budgetary establishments, commune company, commercial law partnership with Polish, mixed or 100% foreign capital.

The association cooperates with around 120 Polish and foreign companies contributing to waste management. Statutory aim of the association is to integrate urban cleaning and waste management industry, ensure information flow about companies operating in various legal systems, promote and popularize new, effective organizational, technical, technological, financial and accounting solutions, create conditions to exchange experiences in the field of urban cleaning, waste management, raw material waste management, environmental protection and ecological education. Another important mission of the National Forum of Urban Cleaning Plant’s Directors is to create an expert trade, advisory and opinion-forming representation before government, administrative and local authorities.

Translated by Anna Koike

